Friday, March 25, 2011

Record-Release-Shows in Essen and Berlin

While still being on tour with the great Reflections Records package we're super stoked to announce our record-release-weekend. We've decided to do two rather small shows in Essen and in Berlin to celebrate this in an intimate atmosphere. We're absolutely grateful that Stateless Society Shows are taking care of that.
As adequate party guests we've invited our good friends in AYS and MIDNIGHT SOULS. Please spread the word about this. You can also get into the facebook-event. Thanks.
Further information about presale, ticket price etc. are coming up soon.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Absolute Devotion/The Coldest Shoulder

Dear friends,

we've just uploaded two new songs from our upcoming LP "Paper Skin". You can listen to them here:

Absolute Devotion/The Coldest Shoulder (from "Paper Skin" LP/CD) by Ritual

Please spread the word about this! If you like what you hear, you can preorder our album at
Oh, and the Reflections Records tour kicks off this Friday. Don't miss it!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Companion Otremba

There's this really good friend of ours called Hendrik Otremba. He's playing quite an important role on our new record, because he has contributed both a short story and a really nice drawing to the artwork of our new LP. So don't just download our new album - you won't get the full picture.

We really like the way he draws, so we thought we'd let you know about the exhibition he is a part of: On March 27th the vernissage is happening at Galerie Artemis in Recklinghausen. His work can be viewed for one month from then on. The title of the exhibition is »Abwesenheiten« (engl. »absences«) and there are four other young artists participating by contributing drawings, sculptures, photographies and an installation.

Besides being a part-time artist, he's also a writer and publishes his essays on his blog: It's mostly cultural theory related and in German only, sorry. Apart from that he has just started a new band with Pascal and Philipp. It's called »MESSER« and we'll keep you posted about the way this band shaping up.

Thanks for your interest.

(This is not the drawing that's included in our LP, by the way.)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

"Kissing Pavement" - Free MP3

Today we give you a free MP3 (320 kbps) of our song "Kissing Pavement" taken from last autumn's 7" single with the same name. It's still available at the Reflections online store and we'll continue playing this song live. Enjoy!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

"Paper Skin"

We're excited to announce the title of our new album:

"Paper Skin".

We found this to be the best way to sum up what is happening on the record. It's coming out on all formats on May 3rd through Reflections Records, but we will already have some copies with us on our trip to Finland in the end of April. Preorders are going to be shipped in April as well.
Reflections Records is starting to take preorders in the middle of March, so that's in like two weeks and that's also when we're going to upload the two songs "Absolute Devotion" and "The Coldest Shoulder" to our soundcloud. So watch out for this! We're also going to play these two songs on the Reflections Records tour already.

The complete tracklist looks like this:

A1: The Great Decay
A2: Reaping Loneliness
A3: Dunkerque
A4: Distant Glance
A5: White Caskets
B1: The Coldest Shoulder
B2: Absolute Devotion
B3: This Shell Has Got a Soul Again
B4: Rusty Fingers Touching Nothing
B5: Pieces of Me

We'll keep you posted about everything. Also watch out for upcoming Reflections newsletters for more information. Until then, enjoy "The Roller" just like we do: